Portal Info

Internet Portal Solutions, LLC is pleased to announce the launch of dentalportal.com, an innovative new website addressing the needs of dental professionals and their clients. The dentalportal.com website combines the typical functionality and features found on leading search engine and social networking sites.. Instead of navigating lists of states and cities and then of dental practices, dentalportal.com integrates with Google maps and uses a zip code search capability and proximity algorithms to show users the closest dental practitioners. Dental practices can then be filtered by specialty and by other factors, such as the use of sedation dentistry or laser services. Internet Portal Solutions believes these tools, combined with the ability to add personalized content to each dentist's profile page, will prove invaluable to consumers.

Profile information is completely under the control of the dental practice. Providers have the ability to log in and update their information, including uploading photos and logos. Dentists can also post job openings in their practices. In the coming months, Internet Portal Solutions will be adding other tools to help dentists leverage the power of the Internet for their unique business needs.

Warren Russell, IPS's CTO explains, "The Dental Portal really breaks from other dentist directories in that it's built not only with the patient in mind, but also the dentist and what tools he or she should have available to bring new patients through the door and serve other business objectives where the Internet can be of great value. For example, we are adding an email automation tool that will send patients reminder emails 30 days before their next routine visit so that they can get an appointment made on time. It's good for the patient and the dentist alike. Recruiting staff is another example of where we show true value. We don't charge dentists an extra cent to post as many positions as they need to hire for. The value proposition is awesome - an entire year of the dental portal costs less than a single classified ad posting in a major newspaper for two weeks."

Dentalportal.com has rapidly become a key destination for job seekers as many of the dentists participating in beta trials used their profiles to post jobs, an optional service completely free of additional costs beyond the regular subscription price of around $25 per month.

Mr. Ed McMahon, of Johnny Carson and Star Search fame has partnered to help promote dentalportal.com.

The dentalportal.com team is also pleased to announce its partnership with the "Smile for a Child Foundation." Once fully operational, a portion of all proceeds from the sale of dentalportal.com's memberships will be donated to Smile for a Child, a non-profit foundation matching children in need of care with volunteer dentists willing to give back to their communities.

Reggie Younger, Smile for a Child's director, relates the tragic circumstances facing many children unable to pay for routine dental care; "Perhaps a few people remember the child that died last year in Maryland from an abscessed tooth that reached a point of infection that stopped his beating heart. There is no excuse for this kind of suffering and blight in our great nation where we have a thriving medical profession and pharmacies on every corner... and yet here is a child that didn't get simple antibiotics and a tooth extraction. Smile for a Child will be instrumental in pairing those children in need with caring dental professionals."

Internet Portal Solutions, LLC, was founded in 2008. The company builds innovative tools for small businesses, with a particular focus on cutting edge portals that help consumers quickly and easily locate pertinent information in niche markets.  The dentalportal.com website is the first product offered by the Nevada-based company.

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